Setting Goals

2017 came and went. I have no idea what happened, but I blinked and it was over!

I’m the type of person that loves Mondays. I love the new beginning, a fresh start, and a clean slate. So naturally, I love the new year and everything that comes with it! Every year I have a theme for myself. I have a hundred small goals, but one main theme that keeps me motivated. I make a graphic and put it in front of me so that all year I’m encouraged to accomplish all those goals. Last year my theme was …

I was due with Callie on  the 25th of January. I knew it would be a time of adjustment, so I gave myself some breathing room to just be still … be present. Enjoy our new life with two kids. Give myself some grace and not overschedule myself with family, church, etc. This year I chose the theme ..

Now that we are settled in with some good routines at home (knock on wood), I am ready to jump back in! Our church theme this year is “Servant of All” and I wanted something along those lines. I’m ready to tackle some new projects at home and in our ministry. BUT, these tasks will take some planning and preperation, so it will require me to be early in preperation … intentional. Service to God, families, and others can be a blessing! It doesn’t have to be a burden. The blessing of service comes with some work though!

My hope is that you are ready to make some goals for yourself in 2018. How is your Walk with the Lord? Is your home run the way God would have it run? Are you treating your body as a vessel for God’s glory? There are so many areas we could focus on, but I would encourage you to keep it simple. Keep it attainable. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Pray about what God would have you to do and then ACT upon it. Most of us know what we should do … we just don’t do it. Small steps help you walk a long way!!

Use this free worksheet as a guide. It’s simple. On purpose. My prayer is that you will seek God’s will for your life in 2018 and WORK to see it come to pass!!

Free printable here >>>> Goal Worksheet

5 thoughts on “Setting Goals”

  1. Such a beautiful printable! Thank you so much for sharing your theme. What a great reminder in our self-focused world to set goals for 2018 that focus OUTWARD on others!

  2. I love the thought about being intentional, which requires planning ahead. I find that with two littles, I can easily be overwhelmed with last minute ministry opportunities. A bunch of those “hectic moments” and I can be tempted to think, “I just can’t be as involved in ministry because of my kids.” When really, if I properly plan, it’s not just possible but enjoyable too! Thanks for the encouragement, Michelle! ?

    1. Yes!! I never want to use my children as an excuse for not serving. I pray constantly for the wisdom to know how much to do, but I find most of my frustration comes from improper planning!

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