A Week in the Life of a Pastor’s Wife

A Week in the Life of a Pastor’s Wife

Life can get busy at times. We are going through one of those time in the month of April.
When life is busy, don’t forget the essential things in your life.
1. Walk with God. Prayer and Bible Reading!
2. Taking care of home responsibilities. Your family needs FOOD, a clean house, and clean clothes!

Ladies Spectacular
Saturday our church was going to a Woman’s Spectacular in a near by town. They did a wonderful job and the speakers were excellent. If your church is going to a ladies meeting, retreat, conference, etc… GO! The ladies of our church loved it.

Ladies from Bible Baptist Church in Tyrone, PA

Mishler Theatre
Saturday night a group of us went to our local theatre were a Christian School was putting on the play Annie. They always do a great job and their kids can sing! Olivia and I have enjoyed their plays for the past 4 years with plays like, The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, and Brigadoon. Enjoy good local events in your area.

Amy and I ready for “Annie”

Church – Bible Baptist Church
Love going to church! If you don’t enjoy going to church, you just need to get your heart right. Pastor (My Rooster) preached a wonderful message and an older couple in our church sang with 5 first-time visitors. What a blessing!     Go to church. Be faithful. Ok, enough preaching at you.

Monday & Tuesday
Harbor of Light Conference – Uniontown, PA
For the past 15 years Ken and I, along with groups of people through the years, have been attending this conference. We love being challenged in our Christian lives. Pastor Bob Gray scattered 490 index cards all over the auditorium for an illustration on forgiveness.

Pastor Jon Jenkins from Grace Baptist Church in Gaylord, MI

Pastor Bob Gray from Longview Baptist Temple in Longview, Tx

Church – Again!
Love it! Wednesday Night I’m on nursery duty. I usually only have one, so things go pretty smooth. Sometimes I’ll clean or straighten up something while I am in there. Our church has a monitor that you can see in the auditorium. You don’t miss too much unless the kids are screaming! Give them cheerios – eating solves a lot of crying.


Church Plant in Philipsburg!
We are so excited about starting a church in a nearby town (20 miles). We are excited to see what God is going to do. First things first though. Fixing up and cleaning. The Lord provided a former tattoo parlor store-front for us to rent in downtown Philipsburg. Be willing to do what the Lord has prompted you to do. We have gotten our church folks involved and they are excited. I’ll keep you informed how that is progressing in later post.

Well, that was one week. Along with a bunch of other things. Still to come: Missions Conference!
Life is busy but, let’s be busy about the things of the Lord and not the things of this world. There is always something to get involved in at the local church! I’m not saying you can’t go to a play, a ballgame, a shopping trip, etc. . . I am saying they should not take the place of being involved in your local church. Christ died for the church/believers, we can at least live for what He gave his life for.

P.S.  I have new carpet from a hotel in Uniontown, PA.  I actually liked this carpet!

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