Organize With Me!


Ok, so I’m pretty sure I’m in full-blown nesting mode these days. I don’t remember feeling this way with my other two girls, but this time I feel like I have to do ALL. THE. THINGS. Now!! On top of that, my pregnant-brain is thinking I need to do the most random things! haha Like for some reason I’m set on wiping out all my kitchen cabinets before I have this baby…is that normal?! I don’t know.

I have this list of things to do in my bathroom too! In my mind, if I get things around the house a little more organized then life will be a little easier when Baby Love is home! I have a feeling life is going to be a little crazy for a while!

I needed to organize my bathroom cabinets. They also needed to be wiped out…

I have a lot of bins and containers that I’ve accumulated but I let them get unorganized too often! haha So I needed to purge some medications and beauty products that I knew were out of date!

Fun Fact: If anyone has ever known me growing up (or our family) and came to our house….MAYBE you’ll recognize this metal locker/cabinet! It has been in the family for a LONG time! haha We had a bedroom in one of our houses a long time ago that was actually an oversized hallway to the attic (The things you do when you want your own room in a house full of girls! lol)…and Michelle had this as her clothes cabinet. I had that room after her…and then we moved so the cabinet just naturally became mine! But that might explain the rough condition of the inside! lol I haven’t even repainted it. It just keeps on serving me well, I’m just too lazy to paint it! šŸ˜‰

These are the before of my bathroom cabinet and the metal cabinet!

I had to pull everything out so I could actually see what all I had! it was more than I thought! Especially sample size things….don’t know what that was all about…? I blame Birch Box for the majority of that! haha

All the things I purged…it felt so good! I think more and more I’m getting so tired of all the–things– in my house that I just don’t need or use on a regular basis…I’m not a minimalist or anything, but the more you have the more cluttered your whole life definitely feels. It feels good to downsize things and really be picky about what you actually need.

I organized everything in bins that made more sense and was easier to access. My medicine/first aid supplies needed to be on a higher shelf due to the girls getting into the cabinet. Not good. Caleb has a basket, I have a basket for when I get out of the shower. I have one for all my hair products. And one for all the extra “beauty” things I have and things we only grab on a semi-regular basis. I’m happy with how it is now, and I know it will stay organized a lot longer!

I had extra space when everything was purged and organized which is a good sign you did something right! I wanted to bring in some baby meds, rash creams, extra pacifiers, etc. into the bathroom in containers instead of being in the girls’ room because they’re getting older and able to climb and get into things they shouldn’t! haha

The final result!

Maybe this will inspire you to organize something in your house too! Stay tuned because I’ll be doing a lot more of this hopefully before baby comes. If not, definitely after.

I’m thinking of doing more of a vlog-style organize with me. Let me know in the comments if you guys would enjoy that maybe even more than just a blog post!

3 thoughts on “Organize With Me!”

  1. Pingback: How to Simplify Your Master Bedroom – MOTHER HEN FIVE

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