A New Year – New Beginnings
Starting with our homes. Are you on a quest to declutter and organize your home? Me too! I’m going to take it a step further – I’m going to finish projects that were started but never completed.
January is Master Bedroom month and there is a lot to do. We moved into our home about 4 years ago. The master bedroom was a rose color. My husband needless to say was not a fan. We painted the room blue. I also made burlap curtains and that was about it. No pictures, no bedspread and no other decorations. We just had the bare essentials.
To start this process things needed to be decluttered. In our bedroom I had 9 areas that needed attention. As always – I made a list (I love them!). Always have a plan!

Life still goes on, so it took me most of the month to declutter these areas. Sometimes when we look at a big project, we get overwhelmed and don’t do anything. Take one area a week and get started!

Needless to say, after the holidays things were a little out of order. You will see this in the video.
These are a few pictures of the areas that I decluttered and organized.

There are also 4 tips in the video to help you along the way.
Start the new year off by Simplifying your home and life.
Related Posts:
Organize With Me! 7 Things I Can’t Clean Without Bedroom Remodel |
Next month – Projects and Decorating! Don’t miss it!